Guillermo holds a law degree from the University of Valencia since 1987, he studied a Masters in Financial Assessment at the Centre of Financial Studies in 2001 and he qualified with a degree in Business Studies from the Valencia Polytechnic University in 2005.
His professional memberships include REAF (Official Register of Economists and Financial Advisors) and ECIF (Experts in Accounting and Finance)
He is a joint founder and partner of Lex Consilium, qualified to give legal and financial advice to clients on a global level, as well as detailed advice and evaluation of company accounts and financial strategy.
As tax and labour assistant Laura primarily works with all on-going autonomous tax clients as well as assisting with S.L and C.B companies. This includes day to day contact in regard to contracts and wages of employees and accounts and enquiries of clients.
Laura deals with clients personally and regularly updates them on their progress. She also liaises with The Spanish Tax Authority, Employment and Social Security departments in Spain; is responsible for processing the tax forms, work contract, pay slips, social security contributions for all clients, as keeping their accounts up-to-date.
Maîtrise en droit de l’Université de Valencia.
Master en droit fiscal et comptabilité á l’École de l’Enterprise de Valencia.
Mª José Júdez, avocat, intervient dans divers domaines du droit, tels que: principalement en droit civil (immobilier, famille, succession), droit de contrats et droit international privé.
Gabriela is responsible for reception and secretarial duties and for day-to-day events, scheduling appointments and preparing meetings. She is responsible for Lex Consilium´s database and also helps with the organisation of seminars and all office filing. She also provides daily support to the other team members.